Limited edition ritual kit, fall retreat and more!
3rd Ritual

Moon Ritual Kit

Limited Edition

While full moons symbolize the end of a cycle, new moons represent its beginning. These celestial events have long been celebrated by our indigenous ancestors who recognized the moon as a governing force for the ebb and flow of energy.

Over the years we’ve refined a moon ritual that inspires self-reflection and care with sensory practices spanning a scent-infused bath or shower, aromatherapeutic self-massage, tea, and painting. This limited edition kit includes everything you need to ritualize the next new or full moon with a restorative evening at home.



Kit includes a Moon botanical body lotion, a clay bath or shower fizz, watercolor paint sheets and brush, a rainbow moonstone, honeybush tea, and instructions for practice.



We celebrated the Spring Equinox at Bloom Farm and can’t wait to do it again in the fall. Please join us for a 3-day retreat featuring daily yoga and meditation, nourishing meals, and plenty of quality time in nature.


In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Spring is a catalyst for renewal. We hope this playlist inspires you to move, embodying the seasonal shift from Yin to Yang.

3rd Ritual
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