In Conversation
NameAndreea Diaconu
LocationNew York City
Did you grow up in a spiritual house?
Easter was always a beautiful holiday that we celebrated together as a family and community. My mother and grandmother were Christian orthodox, and I was taught that in school, however, if anything it just scared me. My mother was rather esoteric for a while so I steered clear of that in my teenage years. I went from saying my prayers every day to fully interrogating my religion teacher in 3rd grade and questioning anyone who believed the Bible. It was only after moving to the US that I realized that it’s ok to be an atheist. I find refuge in religion almost frightening—like a mental bandaid on an infected gash. Presently, I believe in universal love and our ability to feel interconnected with nature and one another. But everyone back home keeps telling me I’ll eventually find God again, so I’ll keep you guys posted. -
Do you have any daily rituals?
I meditate and try to read 30 pages of a book every day, but if I don’t, that’s ok. Sometimes I find rituals boring… unless something is in complete disarray. Then I’ll turn to rituals for stability. I draw, journal, and give thanks whenever I leave or come back home. This happens naturally, but it always feels better when I notice it.The traveling part of my job has made me very regimented but also super adaptable. I think you can find mystical or enlightening rivers everywhere, you just have to keep your ocean open and swim. When I find myself losing balance, I’ll take Ally Bogard’s class, because she always guides me right back to myself.
What's the best advice you've ever received?
Be aware of unreflective instincts and the stories you tell yourself. The true nature of Self is the knowledge that eliminates fear. Write, breathe, and don’t be afraid to ask for what you need or to be the one that loves more. And, don’t go surfing right after eating a big meal.